Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Amber Treasure by Richard Denning

In Richard Denning’s TheAmber Treasure (Book One of the Northern Crown Series), a young man’s initiation into the warrior class of his societysets him on a perilous journey, pitting him against merciless enemies andexposing long-buried family secrets. Set in sixth century Saxon England, the comingof age of the hero Cerdic immerses the reader in a vivid, brutal story ofrevenge and warfare.

The bonds of family and kinship propel much of the actionand remain a persistent theme. At the opening, the remnants of the Saxon defense,Cerdic’s uncle Cynric and his companion Grettir, stand against a host of threehundred Welsh men. Cynric valiantly gives his life and fosters a legend surroundingthe strength of his sword. Cerdic, inspired by stories of his uncle’s braveryfrom Grettir and the famous bard Lilla, begins training as a warrior. Hisfriends Cuthbert and Eduard join him, but also two others whose actions willdetermine Cerdic’s destiny, a slave named Aedann and the warrior Hussa. Both sharean equal disdain for Cerdic, yet their reasons are dissimilar.

A brutal attack ravages Cerdic’s village, in which Welshmarauders steal his mother’s priceless amber jewelry, his uncle’s legendarysword and some of the villagers, including Cerdic’s sister. Cerdic’s family questionsthe loyalty of the salve Aedann, who has gone missing in the aftermath. The Saxonsprepare to reclaim their people and property. When Cerdic finds Aedann along theWelsh border, he gives into a foolish impulse for revenge that endangers all thewarriors. The enemy captures them and nearly kills their leader in the process.Cerdic soon learns that his assumptions about Aedann are wrong, and that anotherhas betrayed his people. The Saxons escape with many losses but their fight isnot over. To turn the tide against the Welsh, rescue their people, thelegendary sword and the amber treasure, they risk a confrontation even thoughthey are outnumbered. The ensuing battle is a test of Cerdic’s wits and valor.

Denning’s greatest strengths lie in his characterizationsand the ability to convey a vivid portrayal of warfare in all its glory andbrutality. The history of the Saxons in England is replete with tales ofbravery, often against overwhelming odds. The warrior who defends his land and people is the quintessential hero. Cerdic,who enjoys an idealized existence, is arrogant, anxious and impulsive. Hisexperiences in brutal warfare temper his natural disposition. He suffers at thehands of a true villain, a man who will do anything to guarantee victory, evenusing Cerdic’s sister as a pawn. The experience shapes Cerdic. Without thischallenge, he can never grow. Through it, Cerdic learns about sacrifice, honorand duty to his fellow combatants, and rises to the heroic challenge. 

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