No one knew how long the Indians had the boy; only that it was too long for Jimmy to learn to be white again. The local authorities locked him in their jail, beat him, and fed him garbage leaving him no choice but to run. Had Jimmy returned ten years later for revenge, to rob, murder, and kidnap a woman? Or did they push the man who called himself Clay into proving there’s a savage in all of us, dragging along the woman with him when he escaped again. His captive had to make a decision, keep her secrets hidden or help the White Savage. Review:
Much like today, prejudice and narrow-minded people seriously affect a person's ability to find happiness. Such is the case with Jimmy, who was taken captive by Indians. No one knows how long he spent with the Apache, but his treatment among them was no better than what he finds back among the whites. The captive turns his back on the tribe at the cost of being pursued and having his tongue cut out...until a scout for the military, McGee, spies what's happening and shoots the offending Indian.
Expecting to find the victim an Indian, he's surprised when blue eyes stare helplessly up at him. McGee, determined to help the young man, seeks medical attention for him, then leaves him in the care of his own sister, Amanda. With compassion and caring, Jimmy might stand a chance to thrive. McGee is determined to make amends for the wrong, Jimmy has endured.
After he’s healed and caught stealing, Jimmy is locked in jail until bail money is raised for the doctor bills incurred when he beat up three men. McGee sees to raising the money, only to return to Amanda's house and find that Jimmy has disappeared.
Ten years later, Jimmy returns as Clay. His nightmare life resumes when he’s accused of raping a woman. When she doesn’t deny the claim, Clay is beaten severely by the three Hoody brothers and dragged behind their horses toward town. Struck by sudden vomiting, the brothers let down their guard and Clay escapes. He returns to woman’s house to get his own horse, and finds she put something in the morning breakfast to make the brothers ill. She didn’t speak up to clear him of the rape charges, so why is she helping him now?
Whew, I could go on and on. Larion Wills has packed so much into this book, you’ll discover why she’s pegged as a favorite author. The broken English spattered throughout both dialogue and narrative will take you back in time. This is my first experience with changing the narrative to match the dialogue, but I’ve always enjoyed anything with “savage” in the title, and this story is no exception. You’ll be touched by the emotions, angered by the injustice, and satisfied with the ending. Don’t believe me? I urge you to purchase your own copy and judge for yourself.
White Savage is available through Muse It Up Publishing in several download formats.
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